How many PLCs can be connected simultaneous with HSDBASE? Is there a variable or data limitation?
There are no limitations in the software, but the number of PLCs depends on the license. The maximum acquisition speed is constrained by the used interfaces, the PLC types and the hardware of the PC.
Where can I find product documentation?
A pop-up-help is integrated in HSDBASE , which explains every control. Additional we recommend to look at the examples of HSDBASE, because the most of the functions are explained there. A quick guide is available in the downloads , which explains the Read and Write mode. For HSVIEWER you can find a installation instruction and a short manual inside the download archive.
How can I check if HSDBASE is running and connected to the PLC?
You can realize a Lifebit with a table in "Trigger" mode. A detailed explanation can be found under HSDBASE examples in the second tutorial.
Data should be logged only in an specified machine state. How can I achieve this?
Most common solution is the 'Trigger' mode.
Or create an new datablock in the PLC, and copy your values only at your specified machine state to this block (Blockmove). In HSDBASE select "Change data set" as capture mode and use the values from the new data block. If the machine state is not active, nothing will change inside the data block and therefore no data will be logged.
HSDBASE does not support all functions, needed for my application. Can I order an individual add-on?
On request we can submit an offer to you. Often only a few changes in the software are needed, which can result in an economic offer. Maybe your requested function is often desired, and therefore will be automatically included in future versions of the program.
Why does HSDBASE only support few connection interfaces?
HSDBASE is designed to run without third party drivers. PC sided only Ethernet protocol is supported. In addition to the Siemens Ethernet cards we support the IBH-Link and the NETLinkPRO.
Why does HSDBASE always create a table named "actualvalues_tablename"?
This table is needed to compare the actual configuration with the existing data. If not, HSDBASE creates a backup of the old data and creates a new data table. Also the last read variables are saved in the table to detect changes in the variables after rebooting the system.